Wednesday, September 14, 2005
In the Human Events article The Problem With Smart Kids, Thomas Sowell writes, "I didn't believe that the real difference between the A students and the C students was in inborn intelligence, but thought it was usually due to differences in attitudes and priorities."
Monday, September 12, 2005
The Growing Tomatoes

Saturday, September 10, 2005
"Freshman Classes Getting Hooked on the Classics" is an interesting article in The Washington Post about more colleges deciding to adopt core course requirements. Did you know that schools such as Brown University do not have any core requirements? Anne Neal, president of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni asks, ". . . what do our students know when they graduate? Have they received a coherent and rigorous education, or have we simply given them a patchwork of classes and a curriculum where everything goes?"
It reminds me of Marvin Olasky's 2002 column about Christian students in secular colleges. He asked, "How many stay true to their faith but go through the motions to get their tickets punched, gaining little true knowledge?"
It also reminds me that at BJU it doesn't matter if you are an Actuarial Science major or Residential Construction Management major. History of Civ. 101, History of Civ 102, Comp. & Rhetoric, Comp. & Lit., OT Messages, NT Messages, Fundamentals of Speech, Bible Doctrines 501, and Bible Doctrines 502 are all required courses.
It reminds me of Marvin Olasky's 2002 column about Christian students in secular colleges. He asked, "How many stay true to their faith but go through the motions to get their tickets punched, gaining little true knowledge?"
It also reminds me that at BJU it doesn't matter if you are an Actuarial Science major or Residential Construction Management major. History of Civ. 101, History of Civ 102, Comp. & Rhetoric, Comp. & Lit., OT Messages, NT Messages, Fundamentals of Speech, Bible Doctrines 501, and Bible Doctrines 502 are all required courses.