Sunday, July 30, 2006
Here are some pictures from last week's exciting Columbus Crew game against the English Premier League team Everton. The two teams tied in a final score of 1-1.

Saturday, July 22, 2006
"Governor Bob Taft recently signed into law a bill requiring all public and community schools to display any donated copies of the national motto, "In God We Trust" and the state motto, "With God, All Things Are Possible." The bill passed the Senate vote in May and Governor Taft signed on the earliest possible date. The bill requires public schools and charter schools using state money to display copies of the mottos if they are donated for use in a classroom, auditorium or cafeteria. . ."
New Ohio Law Requires Schools to Display "In God We Trust"
From Liberty Counsel
New Ohio Law Requires Schools to Display "In God We Trust"
From Liberty Counsel
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Immigration issue masks 'North American Union'
By Steven Yates (Greenville News)
The immigration situation doubtless has many Americans baffled. On May 15, President Bush delivered the briefest speech of his career (17 minutes), making pronouncements such as, "We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws. ... The United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security." So why isn't he doing more? (full article)
By Steven Yates (Greenville News)
The immigration situation doubtless has many Americans baffled. On May 15, President Bush delivered the briefest speech of his career (17 minutes), making pronouncements such as, "We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws. ... The United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security." So why isn't he doing more? (full article)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
This month Ohio is commemorating the 125th anniversary of President Garfield's assassination, and in Washington D.C. The National Museum of Health and Medicine is displaying "Our Nation’s Twentieth President: An exhibition to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the Assassination of James A. Garfield." The best part of the exhibit is "the 12th thoracic and 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae of the president, which includes a red probe showing the path of the bullet."
Monday, July 10, 2006
"While North Korea was gearing up to launch a long range missile and five rockets into the Sea of Japan this week, sending a grim message to the entire world, out at Saddleback Church Rick Warren was announcing that he will soon be bringing his message of purpose to North Korea where he reportedly will be addressing an audience of 15,000. . ."
Crazy Kim Jong Il of North Korea and Rick Warren Working Together For What Purpose?
From Worldview Weekend
Crazy Kim Jong Il of North Korea and Rick Warren Working Together For What Purpose?
From Worldview Weekend