Sunday, February 27, 2005
Best Picture
"Eastwood's film creates dangerous universe" by Johnny Price
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Snow Pictures
Here are some pictures that I took today of my house and backyard.

Saturday, February 19, 2005
Virtual Resources Coming to Mack Library
The Greenville News reported Friday that a new "virtual library" will consolidate "resources at 56 public and private South Carolina colleges and universities" including BJU. Here is part of the article.
It gives electronic access to more than 12,000 full text titles in academic journals and other publications that university students, faculty and researchers use in their work, Boykin said.
In addition, it will create a statewide university book catalogue and borrowing system, so anyone at any participating schools can look for a book across the whole system and borrow it by clicking on a button, Boykin said.
A statewide courier service would provide delivery within 24-48 hours in most cases. "It will help because if the book is not here, you can get access to books elsewhere," Antwi said.
It gives electronic access to more than 12,000 full text titles in academic journals and other publications that university students, faculty and researchers use in their work, Boykin said.
In addition, it will create a statewide university book catalogue and borrowing system, so anyone at any participating schools can look for a book across the whole system and borrow it by clicking on a button, Boykin said.
A statewide courier service would provide delivery within 24-48 hours in most cases. "It will help because if the book is not here, you can get access to books elsewhere," Antwi said.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Pictures From Muskingum College
Here are some pictures that I took today at Muskingum College. This is where Dr. Bob Sr. received his honorary doctorate in August 1921 during Muskingum's annual Bible Conference. The ceremony probably took place in the chapel which is shown in the bottom two pictures.

Saturday, February 12, 2005
Dorm Milk

OK - I guess that I keep everything! But doesn't the above picture of my Pleasant Pastures Farm milk carton bring back memories? For me it certainly does! When the university announced during my senior year that the farm was going to be sold, I made sure that I rinsed out and kept one of those small waxed boxes painted with the university colors. I can't remember if it was 35 or 40 cents at the time, but it is one of my most highly treasured momentos from college. I could only part with it if I knew that somehow I could promote it as some sort of pop culture relic and sell it on Ebay for a ton of money, just like that 10-year old grilled cheese sandwich that sold recently for $28,000. The point is that Pleasant Pastures milk was always there when I needed it. In the mornings with Honey Nut Cheerios and in the evenings for cheesy instant mashed potatoes in my Hot Pot. These were my comfort foods, and what could be more comforting than milk from a farm called Pleasant Pastures?
[The following information is from an April 10, 2003 Greenville News article.]
The property was known as Pleasant Pastures even before the university acquired it in the 1970s, said Roy Barton, Bob Jones University's chief financial officer.The farm provided milk and beef for the student population until it was sold in 2000, he said."We had several hundred head of cattle on it — probably milked somewhere around 300 — and we also had a feed lot and would actually slaughter the cattle there and serve the meat in our own dining hall," Barton said.But running a farm proved impractical for a non-farming organization, "particularly when you're in education," Barton said. "So, rather than have it just sit there and break even, we liquidated it."
Dr. Bob on FoxNews Tonight!
I hope that everyone got a chance to see Dr. Bob on the Fox News program Heartland With John Kasich. The interview, which was about ten minutes long, was great! Intrestingly enough, John Kasich did not mention the time that he campaigned at BJU when he was running for President. I remember it well. However, Kasich needs to brush up on his BJU history. Can someone tell me what's wrong with the following promotion that appears on the FoxNews website?
Plus, Bob Jones III who’s presided over the school his great-grandfather founded, Bob Jones University is stepping down after 34 years at the helm. He’s making way for his son, Rev. Steven Jones to take the reigns. We’ll talk with Bob Jones as he looks back on his contributions to the Christian school and where he sees the school heading under his son’s leadership.
Plus, Bob Jones III who’s presided over the school his great-grandfather founded, Bob Jones University is stepping down after 34 years at the helm. He’s making way for his son, Rev. Steven Jones to take the reigns. We’ll talk with Bob Jones as he looks back on his contributions to the Christian school and where he sees the school heading under his son’s leadership.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Crazy Sunday School Curriculum
When Robert Raikes started the Sunday School movement in England in the 1780's, I don't think that this is what he had in mind.
* How did it feel to hug a tree?
* How did you feel when you recognized the tree you hugged?
* What do you like about trees?
Take a few minutes to read the article "Is Your Church Teaching Pagan Earth Worship In Sunday School?" by Tom DeWeese.
This is my favorite part of the lesson: "If you want, have the kids go back outside and pick up any trash they saw on the walk."
Here's the link:
* How did it feel to hug a tree?
* How did you feel when you recognized the tree you hugged?
* What do you like about trees?
Take a few minutes to read the article "Is Your Church Teaching Pagan Earth Worship In Sunday School?" by Tom DeWeese.
This is my favorite part of the lesson: "If you want, have the kids go back outside and pick up any trash they saw on the walk."
Here's the link:
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
BJU Grads on Larry King
Tonight BJU grads Tim and Bev Lahaye were on Larry King. TD Jakes was also a guest, and he responded to the following statement.
KING: All right. The letter from Bob Jones of Bob Jones University to George Bush states: "In your reelection, God has graciously granted America, though she doesn't deserve it, a reprieve from her agenda of paganism. Don't equivocate. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing." Would you comment on that, Bishop Jakes.
JAKES: Well, I think the president owes all American people good leadership. I feel differently than what the statement was made. I think that once you arrive to the highest office of the nation, you have to have a 40,000-foot view of situations and not a tunnel vision.
KING: All right. The letter from Bob Jones of Bob Jones University to George Bush states: "In your reelection, God has graciously granted America, though she doesn't deserve it, a reprieve from her agenda of paganism. Don't equivocate. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing." Would you comment on that, Bishop Jakes.
JAKES: Well, I think the president owes all American people good leadership. I feel differently than what the statement was made. I think that once you arrive to the highest office of the nation, you have to have a 40,000-foot view of situations and not a tunnel vision.