Saturday, May 31, 2008

"In an 18-minute speech, Bush urged 650 Furman University graduates Saturday night to adopt 'a culture of responsibility' toward civic life, their families and themselves.
'Through the toil of generations and the grace of God, our nation has been given much, and more and more Americans are recognizing our obligation to help those who have little,' he said.
'A culture of responsibility means contributing to our civic life,' Bush said. 'I ask you to be citizens, not spectators, and help to build a nation of virtue and character.'
When the flashing blue lights of the lead vehicles in Bush’s motorcade came into view at 7:10 p.m., most of the more than 9,000 guests erupted into foot-stomping, cheers and applause.
Bush’s entrance to the stadium at 7:37 p.m. brought a roar from most of the crowd that filled all but a few of the home side seats. Students joined in, many climbing onto their beige folding chairs, women kicking off their pumps, for a better view or to take pictures.
It was the final commencement address of Bush’s eight years in the White House and the visit could be his last as president to a state —'Bush Country' in Republican circles — that made his political fortunes and those of his presidential father."
From The Greenville News