Friday, August 19, 2005
The Growing Corn

Upon a thousand hills the corn
Stands tall and rank and glossy green;
Its broad leaves stir at early morn,
And dewy diamonds drop between.
A myriad banners wave o'erhead,
And countless silken pennons fly;
The tasseled plumes bend low, 'tis said,
And only silken ears know why.
Those bending plumes- those upturned ears -
Methinks it is the old, old story!
Dame Nature still, with rapture hears
The song she heard in Eden's glory.
And so is wrought this miracle
Of life and growth unto perfection,
A mystery that none may tell,
Save that God gives to it direction.
-Frederick J. Atwood 1902
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
ROME—The death of John Paul II and the installation of his successor Pope
Benedict XVI gave Jack Van Impe a chance to announce to his television audience
that he was a changed man, that he had learned to embrace “his Catholic brothers
and sisters in Jesus.” Andy Foster wrote in the May-July Canadian Revivalist:
“Dr. Van Impe uses the language of conversion to describe the 'change' that
occurred in his own thinking about Roman Catholicism.” He claims that the Church
of Rome believes the fundamentals of the faith and that Protestants who separate
from Roman dogma are carried away with minor issues. He slandered the witness of
Dr. Ian Paisley, calling him a “religious leader who often leads the Protestants
up to the front to kill the Catholics.” [This is especially sad for this editor,
since Van Impe in the early 70s was a favorite preachers!]"
Friday, August 12, 2005
"'I picked this school because it was different and
because it had a dress code, and if I didn't want one, I would have picked a
school that didn't have a dress code,' said Angie Sweeney."
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
Here are two paragraphs from "Divide on Doctrine Fuels Fight between Va. College, Ousted Clerk" from The Washington Post.
"For two years, Jeremy Hunley sorted magazines and shelved books as a library clerk at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Va.
He enjoyed the work, thought the recently founded college's students were smart and polite and believed in the mission of the school: to mold academic superstars into Christian leaders. A born-again Christian himself, Hunley said he felt at home. That is, up until the day last year when he was told to resign or be fired. The reason: He believes baptism is essential for salvation."
After reading the entire article, I thought to myself that this story sounds a lot like what Ted Mercer did at BJU more than half a century ago. The following passages are from Dr. Turner's book Standing Without Apology.
"Within four weeks of the firing, Ted Mercer published a twenty-page
booklet detailing from his perspective the events that led to his dismissal
through July 1953. Shortly after this booklet was distributed, a second booklet
of twenty-four pages was published containing more substantive issues that
related to salaries, faculty housing, and academic issues." (page 156)"He sent copies of these booklets to each student, as well as letters,
some duplicated and some personal, attempting to dissuade them from returning to BJU." (page 157)
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Frozen Blueberries