Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tonight I heard Ann Coulter speak at Denison University. This event, like many of the conservative activities at Denison, was sponsored by Young America's Foundation. It was, by far, the largest turnout that I have ever seen for a speaker there. The chapel where it was held was completely full. Ann spoke for about 30 minutes, and then she took questions for about 15 minutes. During the question and answer time she made it very clear that she is strongly opposed to giving companies from United Arab Emirates any control over U.S. port facilities.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
"Among private colleges, the top schools attracting LIFE scholars were North Greenville College, 507; Charleston Southern University, 453; Anderson College, 448; Bob Jones University, 380; and Claflin University, 343."
From "Scholarships Keeping More Students in State" in The State
From "Scholarships Keeping More Students in State" in The State
Saturday, February 18, 2006
The Fresh Market opened its first Ohio store last month. The exterior looks pretty much like the store in Greenville except that the green letters above the store which spell out the name "The Fresh Market" are fairly generic. It's not the store logo that I was expecting. Still, the interior is very much the same. Although the meat counter is more in the center of the store, and there aren't as many regular aisles, the elements that are truly important are there. The baroque string ensemble coming from the ceiling speakers, the smell of something - or many things - baking in a hidden oven, and, of course, the samples of coffee all greeted me upon my arrival.

Friday, February 17, 2006
Here are three links with interesting stories about different eminent domain issues. First, there is The Greenville News complaining that South Carolina residents are receiving too much compensation when their property is taken. Second, NPR tells about the Long Branch, New Jersey families that are being forced out of their homes so that some new condos can be built. Finally, BB&T recently announced that it will not give loans for commercial property development on land that was taken through eminent domain procedures.